全国服务热线 17351655038


发布:2024-09-07 17:35,更新:2024-09-16 07:09


On September 3, 2024, United Energy Group, in collaboration with Three Gorges International and the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a green hydrogen project.

约旦能源和矿产资源部长Saleh Al-Kharabsheh、三峡国际中东北非区域经理Dr. Mohammed Abu Attia分别代表约旦政府及双方联合体在备忘录上签字。约旦能矿部可再生能源及能源效率司司长Yacoub Elias Marar、约旦能矿部绿色氢能工作组工程师、三峡国际亚非公司市场开发总 Umar Riaz、联合能源集团氢能项目开发总监关春溪等参加了签约仪式。

H.E. Saleh Al-Kharabsheh, Jordanian Energy and Mineral Resources Minister and Dr. Mohammed Abu Attia, Regional Manager for the Middle East and North Africa at Three Gorges International, signed the MOU on behalf of the Jordanian government and the joint consortium, respectively. The signing ceremony was attended by Yacoub Elias Marar, Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency at the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources; an engineer from the Ministry’s Green Hydrogen Working Group; Musfata Umar Riaz, General Manager of Market Development at Three Gorges International’s Asia-Africa Division; and Guan Chunxi, Hydrogen Project Development Director at United Energy Group, among others.


Group Photo

本次备忘录签署后,约旦政府guanfangwangzhan第 一时间发布了名为“约旦-中国签署绿氨生产备忘录”的新闻公告。Kharabsheh部长在新闻声明中表示,绿色氢能项目备忘录的目标是每年生产200,000吨绿氨。

Following the signing of the MOU, the Jordanian government's official website promptly published a news release entitled ‘Jordan-China Signs MOU on Green Ammonia Production’. In a statement, Minister Kharabsheh noted that the MOU outlines an aim to produce 200,000 tons of green ammonia annually.

图片约旦能源和矿产资源部长Saleh Al-Kharabsheh(左二)和与会代表交流

H.E. Saleh Al-Kharabsheh (second from the left) engaged in discussions with the delegates

Kharabsheh 部长强调了该部致力于促进氢能行业投资任务的承诺:“该备忘录是约旦政府努力的一部分,旨在通过利用丰富的可再生能源和约旦在中东及非洲的中心位置,强化我们作为绿色能源生产区域枢纽的作用。这是实现该部优先事项(包括投资约旦绿色制氢项目)的步骤之一,也是《经济现代化愿景(2023 - 2033)》中的关键举措之一。我们希望通过推动绿氢与绿氨项目协议签署,加强约旦政府与私营部门的合作关系,拓宽该领域的投资框架,实现该部将约旦建设成为地区和全球绿色氢气生产和出口中心的愿景和雄心。”

H.E. Saleh Al-Kharabsheh emphasized the ministry's commitment to promoting investment in the hydrogen energy sector, saying: "This MOU is part of the Jordanian government’s efforts to strengthen Jordan’s role as a regional hub for green energy production by leveraging abundant renewable energy resources and Jordan’s strategic location in the Middle East and Africa. This is a step toward the ministry's priorities, including investment in Jordan's green hydrogen production projects, and it is also one of the key activities within the Economic Modernization Vision (2023–2033). We aim to enhance the Jordanian government's partnership with the private sector by signing agreements on green hydrogen and green ammonia, broadening the investment framework in this field, and achieving the ministry’s vision and ambition of establishing Jordan as a regional and global center for green hydrogen production and export.”

联合能源集团是中国香港上市的大独立综合能源公司之一,业务遍及南亚、中东、北非与欧洲,主要从事石油、天然气上游的投资与运营,以及清洁能源和能源贸易相关业务。集团氢能业务从2023年开始组建,主要成员来自壳牌、中国电建、空气化工、法液空、天辰工程、宝钢气体等能源及气体领域知 名企业。集团于今年2月28日在埃及总理穆斯塔法·马德布利的见证下和埃及政府签署了绿氢项目开发谅解备忘录,迈出了国际绿氢项目开发的第 一步。

United Energy Group is one of the largest independent integrated energy listed companies in Hong Kong, with operations across South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. Its core business includes upstream investment and operations in oil and gas, as well as clean energy and energy trading. United Energy Group began developing its hydrogen business in 2023, with a highly experienced team coming from well-known energy companies such as Shell, PowerChina, Air Products, Air Liquide, Tianchen Engineering, and Baosteel Gas. On February 28, United Energy Group took its first step in international green hydrogen project development by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Egyptian government in the presence of Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly.


China Three Gorges International serves as the international business platform of China Three Gorges Group, which is widely recognized as the largest renewable energy developer and operator in the world. As of 2023, the Group reported total assets of US$190.6 billion, an installed capacity of 146 GW, and post-tax net profits of US$10 billion. The company’s overseas renewable energy projects span over 20 countries and regions, with total assets valued at US$16.19 billion.


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